Thursday, January 29, 2009

MACHO SAUCE: Where Did This Come From?

I do not know how well known Alfonzo Rachel is, but I had not heard of him until last night. I would not be surprised to learn that he has been a pop icon for the past few years. If so, at least I'm not alone. A friend of mine at work had not heard of him either. Therefore, I am compelled to draft a quick post in case any of you have also missed the Macho Sauce experience.

Zo, as Alfonzo goes by, is a self-styled “Christian Conservative Republican” who seeks to educate the public on the merits of conservatism through very clever and funny, amateur videos. His scripts both entertain and educate, even if sometimes oversimplifying complex social issues. The ring of truth resounds in his dialogue. Two themes that I heard loud and clear in his videos were Liberty and Limited Government, and as such, I consider him a valuable ally in the defense against domestic threats to the Constitution.

For those who have yet to sample Zo’s work, I am embedding a video below. I especially enjoyed his analysis of how portions of the Libertarian agenda, such as legalizing of drugs and prostitution, will realistically increase the size and scope of government, something the Libertarian agenda is decidedly against.
"We’ve got a 50% divorce rate in America and you want to legalize prostitution. You’ve got little kids watching their mommies and daddies break up, but that’s not good enough for you. You don’t want them broken up, you want their families burned to ashes! Oh, no! Now we’ve got a single mom, dad’s out of the picture, who is she going to be looking to to supplement that income? Bigger Government.”
I also appreciated this quote :
“George W. Bush and the United States Military has kept you safe for the past eight years…”
This last quote I highlight emphasizes the fact that grassroots efforts can make a difference in politics. Ultimately, supporting and defending the Constitution comes down the collective efforts of those who care about it.
“The best chance that MachoSauce Productions has, ain’t Fox News, it’s you.”

(Hat Tip: photoman59 at

1 comment:

  1. I think MACHO SAUCE PRODUCTIONS just became my new favorite youtube spot.
