Political correctness is a modern day method Satan uses to suppress
truth, establish his standards in society and silence any discussion of
alternate standards, i.e. God’s.
Kirk Cameron’s treatment by the media is a classic example
of the forces of political correctness in action.
Cameron, a self-described Christian, has publicly made his
views on homosexuality known, including views on same-sex marriage. His views conform to the teachings of traditional
Christianity but do not conform to the politically correct standards of
today's society. In a 2012 interview on CNN,
Piers Morgan asked him if he thought homosexuality was a sin. Unfortunately, Cameron did not answer the
question directly; nonetheless his answer was doctrinally accurate: “I think
that it’s unnatural. It’s detrimental
and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”
This is clearly an unpopular position with those who deny
that the scriptures contain divine truth. There
are a multitude of voices in our day who oppose traditional Christian morality
and uphold the social standards of political correctness, which “call evil good,
and good evil;… put darkness for light, and light for darkness; …put bitter for
sweet, and sweet for bitter” as described in the Old Testament. They are “wise in their own eyes, and prudent
in their own sight”, seeking to be unmoored from God’s standards (Isaiah 5:20-21).
Although Morgan later claimed to “respect Cameron’s
religious beliefs” he said he didn’t “respect his use of bigoted, inflammatory language
re homosexuality.” In other words, right
of conscience is one thing, but voicing a belief, conviction or opinion
contrary to the standards of the politically correct makes one a bigot.
Ann Curry joined the politically correct effort to brand
as controversial traditional values that have existed and prevailed for millennia over the “new
normal”. Curry pushed a
notion while subsequently interviewing Cameron on the NBC Today Show that
voicing beliefs such as his promotes hate crime. Curry did not directly accusing Cameron of bigotry
when questioning him about the “firestorm” he set off in the Morgan interview,
but the premise behind her line of questioning was clear – Cameron’s views are
neither popular nor politically correct and shouldn’t be voiced:
“Many people are suggesting that this is hate speech. Are you encouraging people to feel hate towards gay people?”
“Do you feel any responsibility saying words like that, that might encourage people to feel that it's okay to treat – mistreat gay people?”“Why do you say things like this that you know are going to cause people to push back? Why do you even talk about it, then? Because this is not the first time you've been asked about it. It's not the first time you've made comments that have caused people a lot of alarm.”
Additional efforts of the politically correct crowd to stifle
advocacy for traditional values are evident in the many media headlines and stories
characterizing Cameron’s stated beliefs as “anti-gay”, fallaciously implying
him to be “anti-person” instead of “anti-behavior”, which was clearly his stance
on the issue. The fallacy is that if Person
A hates homosexual behavior, and Person B engages in homosexual behavior, then
Person A hates Person B. The deliberate mischaracterization
of Christians as anti-gay by virtue of their views on homosexuality is necessary to make Christians scared to admit, defend or advocate their beliefs for fear of
being branded a “hater” or a “bigot”. It
is also necessary to justify indignation and “fear” on the part of those who
accept homosexuality.
The New Testament is clear that Jesus Christ loved all
sinners but hated sin - meaning he loves all gays, but hate’s their homosexual
behavior. Thus Jesus, and Christians who
endeavor to follow His perfect example, are not anti-gay - they are
anti-homosexuality, in the same way they are anti-adultery, anti-fornication,
anti-pornography, anti-lying, anti-cheating, anti-stealing, anti-murdering, and
so forth. Jesus never balked at calling
sinful behavior for what it was nor urging sinners to repent for the eternal
sake of their souls. Furthermore, He
commanded His followers to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations… teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” (Matthew 28:19-20). He expects His followers to not be silent or
neutral in matters of morality.
The methods of the politically correct in society will
persist. Christians must not bow to pressure but must stand firm in their beliefs. As Dallin H. Oaks recently taught:
“Unlike other organizations that can change their policies and even their doctrines, [the church] policies are determined by the truths God has identified as unchangeable…man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral…“We remain under covenant to love God and keep His commandments and to refrain from serving other gods and priorities—even those becoming popular in our particular time and place.“In this determination we may be misunderstood, and we may incur accusations of bigotry, suffer discrimination, or have to withstand invasions of our free exercise of religion. If so, I think we should remember our first priority—to serve God" (General Conference 2013).
For those who believe sin exists, and pervasiveness of sin
in society brings upon society the attendant consequence of the judgments of God,
continual advocacy for adherence to God’s standard of morality over Satan’s is
the most vital service they can give to their country. The politically correct crowd wants to
silence their opposition because truth resonates.
Boyd K. Packer said of resonating truth: “The study of the
doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior
will improve behavior” (General Conference 1986).
The prophet Alma likewise taught that “the preaching of the word had a
great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had
more powerful effect upon the minds of the people
than the sword” (Alma 31:5).
The forces of Satan can be overcome in this world the same
way they were in heaven. Describing the
defeat of Satan in the War in Heaven, John described the secret weapon used in
the decisive victory: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by
the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:7-11).
Let true and humble followers of Christ not be silenced by
the politically correct despite any level of “push back”. Surrender to immorality and acceptance of a debauched society is ultimately a
surrender of liberty and prosperity.
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